Privacy policy

1.Data Controller:The controller of your personal data is Nutramatic Sp. z o. o. with its registered office at Rajska 4/33 in Warsaw, entered into the register of businesses kept by District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw. Warsaw in Warsaw, 13th Commercial Department of the National Court Register under reference number: 0000497397, NIP (Tax ID Number): 5213665915, REGON (National Business Register number): 147095357,

You may contact us:

  • by writing to: Nutramatic Sp. zo.o. , Rajska 4/33, 02-654 Warsaw
  • by e-mail:
  • by telephone: +48 883 396 097
3.Purpose of processing of personal data:

Your personal data is processed by Nutramatic Sp. z o. o. for the following purposes:

  • performing the agreement;
  • communicating with you in connection with your message sent via the contact form (form available at: – pursuant to article 6 (1) (f) of GDPR, i.e. based on legitimate interest of the Controller, which is communication with the person who initiated contact with the Controller;
  • No decisions concerning you will be taken in an automated manner, including in the form of profiling.
  • The disclosure of your personal data is voluntary, but required in order to contact the Controller (failure to disclose data prevents the Controller from replying).
4.Legal basis for the processing of personal data:

Your personal data is processed in accordance with the Regulation and Polish laws, pursuant to:

  • article 6 (1) (a) of the Regulation, in connection with your consent to process your personal data, and/or
  • article 6 (1) (b) of the Regulation, in order to perform the provisions of the agreement between you and Nutramatic Sp. z o.o., and/or
  • article 6 (1) (c) of the Regulation, in order to enable Nutramatic Sp. z o.o. to comply with its duties related to its business activity, including fiscal and accounting duties, and/or
5.Recipients/categories of recipients of personal data:

In connection with the processing of personal data for the purposes indicated in item 3, your data may be made available or entrusted to other recipients or categories of recipients. Recipients of your personal data may include:

  • subcontractors of Nutramatic Sp. z o.o. and their associates, if required to perform the agreement;
  • employees and associates of Nutramatic Sp. z o.o., if required to perform the agreement or engage in trade negotiations;
  • courier companies;
  • providers of IT systems and services;
  • other entities providing services to the Controller, including consulting and legal services;
  • entities and authorities entitled to process personal data pursuant to provisions of law.
6.Data retention period:Your personal data will be retained for the term of the agreement, and after its expiry or termination until the limitation period for any claims expires or until data retention obligations expire in accordance with applicable national law.
7.Your rights:

You have the right to request from the controller:

  • access to your personal data,
  • rectification of your personal data,
  • erasure of your personal data;
  • limitation of processing of your personal data;
  • object to the processing of your personal data;
  • data portability;

If you believe that the processing of your personal data violates the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation of 27 April 2016, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority.

8.Information on the contractual requirement to disclose personal data:Disclosure of personal data is a contractual requirement and is necessary to achieve the purposes for which it is collected.
9.Information on the transfer of data to third countries outside the EUThe data is not transferred to entities operating outside the European Union.